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An International Symposium on Gustav Metzger "The need for art to change the world" _DAY 1
An international Symposium on Gustav Metzger "The need for art to change the world"_DAY2
An international Symposium on Gustav Metzger "the need for art to change the world"_DAY3
An international Symposium on Gustav Metzger "the need for art to change the world" - DAY2
Ivor Davies: Working with Metzger
Mathieu Copeland: Auto-Creative Art — Creation / Destruction
Elizabeth Fisher: Science, technology & Metzger
Pontus Kyander: On aspects of activism in Metzger's works and Gustav as artist/activist
Day 7 - #askforthebilinuk
Stewart Home: On art, activism and art strike
Is No More. Lecture on the Work of Gustav Metzger - Dobrila Denegri
Kommissar Hjuler - Gustav Metzger